The enterprise itself has researched and manufactured complete series ofRototherm has grown and developed its reputation within Energy, Beverage, LPG, Pharmaceuticals, Water, Transport and Defense by providing customers dedicated solutions. We enjoy working with our customers to find the right solutions for their specific process enquiries. “Rototherm” The configuration and operation of equipment, particularly complex electronic control systems, can sometimes be a daunting task, hence why Rototherm Group offers multiple services to our customers (onsite and in-house) ensuring that all our products work in compliance with our customers' specifications.
Prior to performing our services, we conduct an initial site inspection to determine which equipment will be required and the time frame of the service, allowing clear and transparent communication with our customers.
We provide quick delivery of associated site reports and certification which is followed by a post service report..
Safe, non toxic and a wide range available with both rigid and flexible capillary.
Product Name: Temperature Configurator
Type: 2GGR/WPH70C159HXXXG2/BBD00300E/G0 4A0/UN UCN020P0160
Manufacturer: The British Rototherm Company Ltd.
Datasheet: Click here